
Brewing ideas

July 7, 2020 10:21pm


Rereading my own notes and blogposts proved to me once again that I only brew same ol' ideas for a very, very long time and occasionally find a new way to express them formally. It was very rarely about new, original thought. Or at least, it seems that way.

Also, one of the confirmations was - it was always about computation. E-v-e-r-y single intellectual, abstract thought or hunch that I had since my very early school days was actually about computation. It's amazing to observe it taking at least some shape nowadays.

I counted on this when I decided to formally pursue answering qualia for the rest of my life some 5 years ago, no matter the cost, chance of success, craziness of it, or anything else negative about it.

Also, another thing I decided to never throw out of my life and do as much as possible is - writing.